The Campaign for Real Ale
CAMRA is considered one of the most successful consumer organisations ever. It’s aim is to promote good quality real ale, ciders, and perries and to have thriving pubs and clubs in every community. It is independent, not-for-profit, and non-party political.
Find out more about CAMRA visit National CAMRA
The Oxford Branch of CAMRA…
… covers an area rather more extensive than the name suggests. It also includes Abingdon, Carterton, Eynsham, Kidlington, Wheatley, Witney, and all the surrounding villages, stretching to the Gloucester border in the west, to Otmoor in the north-east, and generally to the Thames in the South.
Support local beer, pubs, clubs and cider producers
To find pubs which are open please visit (notice the warning about opening hours. Pubs are varying their hours, often from week to week. We do our best to update opening hours but it is very difficult to keep up with over 300 pubs and they will keep changing!. Check with the pub – facebook is often best, if you need to.) Help us to help you by sending in feedback from the WhatPub entry if any details have change.
Exciting news!
We are producing the branch magazine Oxford Drinker again, now four times a year. There is also an online version with up-to-date news and articles, so take a look at: Oxford Drinker
Sign up on the website for email updates, either as they happen or a weekly digest. And, most importantly of all, tell everyone you know and even people you don’t by using Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We have a wealth of news and views, and we welcome your contributions. Get in touch with story ideas, and if you want to write for us – even better!
The new website will be updated whenever there’s something worth telling you such as pub and brewery news, ‘On Tour’ reports, national news about pubs and breweries, thought-provoking guest columnists, ‘Down Memory Lane’ and much more.
On this web site:
You can find out how to keep up with branch events in Latest news . There is a complete guide to the CAMRA Discount and Voucher schemes in CAMRA news. We are starting to hold social events and branch meetings and the details are in What’s On, which also includes the Branch Diary and upcoming beer festivals in the Beer Festival Diary.
We have finished our Pub(s) of the Year competition for 2025. It was a very close thing in both categories with only one point in it in each case. There is a complete change with last year’s winners (2024) being the runners up this time. City PotY 2025 is the Grapes from the Royal Blenheim and Town & Villages PotY 2025 is the Crafty Pint in Witney from the Brewery Tap in Abingdon. Well done to both of them.
You can download and read our current and previous editions of our publication, back issues of Oxford Drinker.
If you are visiting Oxford, you can download our City-centre-pubs-with-times-Oct-2022 or, if you want to find a particular pub, or all pubs in a town or village, there is a wealth of information on CAMRA’s pub database WhatPub .
The 25th Oxford Beer & Cider Festival at Oxford Town Hall was on Thursday 10th to Saturday 12th October 2024. (There were a couple of earlier beer festivals but they were held at the Bus Museum in Long Hanborough.) It was a moderate success with numbers down a little this year but still hundreds of people had a very enjoyable time. We have a provisional date of 16th to 18th October next year – back to our usual time, but the way prices are rising and numbers falling it’s touch and go at the moment whether we will go ahead.
If you are not a member, why not join the ever-increasing CAMRA numbers?
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