
Find out who the committee members of the Oxford Branch are, and how to contact them.


John Winney

Branch Contact / Secretary

Steve Lawrence
Phone: 01235 525436
Steve also maintains the branch entries (203 real ale pubs and 100+ others) on CAMRA's pub database, WhatPub, and co-ordinates the branch Good Beer Guide entries; tries to keep the web site up to date, and is Staffing Officer for the annual Oxford CAMRA Beer & Cider Festival. If you have a general enquiry then use this.


Grahame Allen
Phone: 07875 653183
Grahame is also the lead organiser of our annual Oxford CAMRA Beer and Cider Festival in the Town Hall.

Membership Secretary

Pete Flynn
Phone: 07582168082

Oxford Drinker Editor

David Richardson
Phone: 07979 654057
The Oxford Drinker is the Branch magazine produced 6 times a year by branch members and distributed free in pubs and similar outlets (5,000 copies). Send news items or articles for inclusion to the editor. To advertise in the magazine contact

Pub Campaigns Co-ordinator

Tony Goulding
Phone: 07588 181313
We don't tend to get involved with most of the CAMRA campaigns and when we do it's with the involvement of the branch meeting or the committee. If you want to contact someone use this.

Pub Protection Officer

Ian Norriss
This position is vacant at the moment. If you email 'pubs-officer' your message will go to Steve Lawrence who will deal with it.

Social Secretary

Pete Flynn
Phone: 07582 168082
Pete is organising some social events and trips away. If you are aware of anything we might like to go to let him know.

Press & Publicity Officer

Dave Richardson
Phone: 07979 654057

Branch Younger Members' Contact . . . . . . . . . Post currently vacant.

Post vacant at present.
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